
17-18.09.2020 – presentation by Justyna Salamońska at the Centre of Migration Research Annual Meeting (online). Title of the presentation: ‘COVID-19 i badania migracyjne – wyzwania i możliwości’.

6-7.02.2020 – presentation by Aleksandra Winiarska,  Justyna Salamońska, Marta Kluszczyńska at IMISCOE Spring Conference: Moving, living, investing and surviving: housing and migrations in uncertain times. Title of the presentation: ‘Notions of home and home-making in the narratives of ‘multiple’ migrants’.

11-13.09.2019 – session ‘Trwałość i płynność migracji międzynarodowych – cyrkulacja, osiedlanie, integracja migrantów’ / ‘Durability and liquidity of International migration – circulation, settlement, integration of migrants’ chaired by Katarzyna Andrejuk, Macina Gońda and Aleksandra Winiarska during the XVII Polish Sociological Congress ‘Me, us, them? Subjectivity, identity, belonging’ in Wrocław.

13.09.2019 – presentation by Olga Czeranowska during the XVII Polish Sociological Congress ‘Me, us, them? Subjectivity, identity, belonging’ in Wrocław. Title of the presentation: ‘Biografie zawodowe polskich migrantek wielokrotnych’.

12.09.2019 – presentation by Marta Kluszczyńska and Adrianna Drozdowska during the XVII Polish Sociological Congress ‘Me, us, them? Subjectivity, identity, belonging’ in Wrocław. Title of the presentation: ‘Wywiady jakościowe przeprowadzane przez Internet: korzyści i wyzwania, które stoją przed badaczami i badaczkami’.

28.06.2019 – presentation by Aleksandra Winiarska and Adrianna Drozdowska during the conference ‘Understanding international migration in the 21st century: conceptual and methodological aprroaches’ (IMISCOE Annual Conference) in Malmo. Title of the presentation: ‘Researching multiple migration – methodological challenges’.

27.06.2019 – presentation by Agata Górny and Justyna Salamońska during the conference ‘Understanding international migration in the 21st century: conceptual and methodological aprroaches’ (IMISCOE Annual Conference) in Malmo. Title of the presentation: ‘How to research quantitatively multiple migrations? Assessment of the Web-based Respondent-Driven Sampling’.

29.04.2019 – presentation by Aleksandra Winiarska and Justyna Salamońska during the conference ‘Mobilities and Transnationalism in the 21st Century’ in Reykjavik. Title of the presentation: ’Multiple moves and multiple places –transnational experiences of Polish migrants worldwide’.

25.10.2018 – presentation by Olga Czeranowska during the conference ‘Social boundaries of work: Work, knowledge and power in contemporary capitalism’ in Gdańsk. Title of the presentation: ‘Knowledge, education and occupational mobility in migration trajectories’.

04.10.2018 – presentation by Agata Górny and Justyna Salamońska during the conference ‘Potentials and Limits of Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences’ (III Midterm Conference of the ESA RN 21) w Krakowie. Title of the presentation: ’Reaching Hard-to-Reach Populations: Web-based respondent driven sampling survey of Polish multiple migrants worldwide’.

04.03.2018 – session ‘Surveying Migrant Populations using Respondent Driven Sampling – face-to-face and web-based approaches’ by Agata Górny and Justyna Salamońska during 1st ETHMIGSURVEYDATA network Training School.

11.01.2018 – joint seminar of Qualitative Methods Team (Centre of Migration Research) and project ‘In search of a theory of multiple migration. A quantitative and qualitative study of Polish migrants after 1989’: ‘Digital footprint as a source of data on geographical mobility’ with presentation by Dominik Batorski (Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modeling, University of Warsaw)

28.10.2017 – presentation by Justyna Salamońska and Olga Czeanowska during the conference ‘Social boundaries of work. Methodological and Practical Problems of Research on Work and Employment in Modern Societies’ (Katowice). Title of the presentation: ‘Researching boundaryless careers – web-based Respondent Driven Sampling survey of Polish multiple migrants’

12.10.2017 – joint seminar of Qualitative Methods Team (Centre of Migration Research) and project ‘In search of a theory of multiple migration. A quantitative and qualitative study of Polish migrants after 1989’: ’Conducting a large-scale survey of Latvian emigrants and return migrants: a new methodological approach’ with presentation by Inta Mierina (Centre for Diaspora and Migration Research, University of Latvia) and methodological workshop.

10.05.2017 – joint seminar of Qualitative Methods Team (Centre of Migration Research) and project ‘In search of a theory of multiple migration. A quantitative and qualitative study of Polish migrants after 1989’: ‘Sampling methodology’ with presentation by Ewa Jaźwińska (Centre of Migration Research) and Marta Kiełkowska (Centre of Migration Research).

13.03.2017 – joint seminar of Qualitative Methods Team (Centre of Migration Research) and project ‘In search of a theory of multiple migration. A quantitative and qualitative study of Polish migrants after 1989’: ‘Respondent Driven Sampling – methodological discussion’ with introduction by Agata Górny (Centre of Migration Research)